A Dazzing December in Cubic Worlds

Folks, let me tell you something. Without a drop of exaggeration, December is probably going to be one of the busiest months in our history! Ready to get excited? Then let’s kick things up a notch:

Dazzling December is nearly here!


Not one, not two, but four crazy announcements were made recently to explain our plans for next month! We’ve been in the doldrums a bit over the last six months, but with this much awesome happening in one place, why not check back and see what’s up?

You can learn all of the juicy details on the official Dazzling December thread on our forum, but here’s the basic gist of things:

  • Cubic Worlds is adding mcMMO! Testing will start on the weekend of 5th/6th December, with possibly more tests to follow before we officially open our brand new RPG sub-world!
  • Christmas Island will be returning to the server from December the 1st. Your favourite winter wonderland will of course be the home to our Secret Santa event starting shortly after the island opens!
  • There’ll be a marathon of events to get involved with, starting with a one week contest starting this very weekend for everyone to create and decorate their very own Christmas tree! Completed entries will be used to make sure Christmas Island is truly as festive as it can be.
  • Claim extra daily loot just by logging in during December with the Cubic Worlds advent calendar! Treats, trinkets, and treasures await. What will you get?

After the recent confirmation that Minecraft 1.9 won’t be out this year, there’s no need to be feel blue. Come spend some time with us in Cubic Worlds this December whether you’re a veteran Cubian or someone new to the server – everyone is welcome, and we’d be delighted to see you!

Here’s to a great month!

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