Huzzah, a non-event post – time for a story! 😃
Recently, S1D, a bot that we use to link chat between Minecraft and our Discord server, was failing to connect. S1D comes from a plugin that is part of the CW server, so he lives on the same “box” – a dedicated server rented from a German company called Hetzner. As it turns out, S1D wasn’t connecting because… well… Discord had banned it. *gasp*
Unfortunately we’ve been caught in the crossfire of a disagreement. Discord have told me that they are currently blocking all of Hetzner’s IP addresses “due to a lack of communication and improper use of abuse systems by Hetzner”. Sucks to be us, the legit users on a network infested with dodger geezers!
While I’m doing my part to get this sorted, the main reason I’m making this post is because the invoice for this month’s Hetzner rental is due – and I think you deserved the backstory as some explanation for the next point…
I’m not inclined to pay up until I know more about how long this swordfight is going to continue for. By ignoring the outstanding invoice I run the risk that Cubic Worlds will be spontaneously shut down at some point in the nearish future; it could be days away, or it could be tomorrow.
If this happens, I’ll self-host Cubic Worlds and search for another host we can use. I’ll be taking daily backups in the meantime so that if the worst comes to the worst, you won’t lose more than 24 hours of work.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. Hopefully this warning will be a red herring, things will get sorted, and we can get back to normal – but stay tuned to our Discord server and check into the #Hetznergate channel for updates as they happen. 🙂
Update: S1D has been cleared of all charges and is back warm and sung inside our Discord. Emergency averted – no host change will be needed!