Chat and Language Policy

Cubic Worlds is a family-friendly server with a PG rating. Because people may have differing opinions of what this means and what they consider child-safe, this page goes into more detail about what language is considered okay to use within our community.

We want to be a place where players of all ages and abilities are given a warm welcome and encouraged to enjoy the game in a safe, moderated environment. Some of those players will be quite young, and where children are concerned, we feel that if there’s any doubt about what can be found offensive or not, the best course of action is to err on the side of caution.

To that end, the main points of our language policy are:

  • Swearing is not allowed on the server, even if the only people online are people you know in real life who would not have any problem with it.
    • Staff will consider anything defined by the Oxford English dictionary as “vulgar slang” to be a swearword. We also make use of the site when defining swearwords.
    • Use of any abbreviation whose commonly accepted definition includes swearwords should be avoided. We may not immediately jump down your throat about it, but you should take some effort to avoid exclamations such as “wtf” – you’ll be warned about it sooner or later.
  • Discussing controversial, illegal, or otherwise “grey” topics may be allowed but only within reasonable context. Staff reserve the right to ask you to change the subject at any time, or continue your conversation privately. Such topics can include (but are not limited to) abortion, violence, horror, extremism, racism, terrorism, animal cruelty, or hacking.

We do our utmost to make Cubic Worlds a friendly and open-minded community for mature players as well as younger folk. While you’re adventuring with us, sometimes you might want to discuss real-world concerns and problems in chat, and that’s okay! There are certainly plenty of troubles around these days. Censorship definitely isn’t something we’re aiming for, but we do ask that you be respectful and bear the following points in mind:

  • Touchy topics, such as religion, politics, and conspiracy theories, should be avoided. Whatever position you hold, somebody is bound to be offended.
  • Jokes and complaints about politicians are OK: “Max Marmot is a terrible person and his hair looks absurd”. Jokes about death threats, assassination or harassment are not: “Somebody should do a JFK on Max Marmot”.
  • Deliberately hostile racial, cultural or ethnic typecasting will not be tolerated.
  • Please remember that freedom of speech is not a right to be offensive.

If you see anything in chat that you feel goes against these guidelines, please notify staff directly through our Discord. We’ll look into your report as soon as we can.

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