The party hats are ready and the cake has been baked – all that’s needed are the guests…
Come celebrate the 3rd birthday of Cubic Worlds with a delicious new event to be held in Battenburg! Carefully crafted by our own SmokeAndMirrors, the party is sure to be lively and full of death fun! Will you and your teammates be able to survive outwit the dreaded Cookie Monster, or will he kill everyone steal all the delicious birthday goodies?…
Bouts of outrageous cake-based Battenburg action will happen throughout Sunday evening, GMT – probably from around 19:00 onwards but the Cookie Monster doesn’t work to a schedule… so it’s hard to know for sure!
Not interested in PvP but still want to join the party? That’s okay. We’ve got it covered – there’ll also be matches of The DROP and perhaps even some Pig Racing for anyone who fancies it. Join us if you can – I’ll see you there!